Fish Passage
Tryon Creek Fish Passage Design Finalized
In late summer of 2018 Ecological Engineering completed the fish passage design for the reach of Tryon Creek below Boones Ferry Road and within the Tryon Creek Natural Area for the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services. Existing conditions included an...
August 24, 2017 – Brigman Creek Dam and Bridge Removals and Large Wood Structure Placement
Ecological Engineering completes the construction oversight of the removal of three dams and one bridge on Brigman Creek in east Multnomah County, Oregon and the placement of large wood structures instream to restore fish passage and natural fluvial geomorphology....
Wallowa Resources, River Restoration – Lostine, Oregon
Mr. Gorman designed 2300 feet of new river channel for a previously straightened reach of the Wallowa River near Lostine, Oregon to restore the river to conditions similar to its historical alignment and function. The design included detailed hydraulic design of...
Johnson-Brigman Confluence Stream Restoration – Multnomah County, Oregon
Metro acquired a residential property at the confluence of Johnson and Brigman Creeks with the intent to restore the ecological values of the site. Mr. Gorman served as the lead engineer and project manager, providing the site assessment, wetland delineation,...
Tryon Creek Boones Ferry Road Culvert Replacement – Portland, Oregon
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) listed Tryon Creek as its highest priority for fish passage restoration in Western Oregon. The culvert on Tryon Creek at Boones Ferry Road is a nearly complete fish passage barrier that the City of Portland determined...
Columbia River Estuary Study Task Force, Estuarine Wetland and Anadramous Fish Habitat Restoration – Chinook, Washington
Mr. Gorman provided the engineering and project management for the preliminary design, permitting, and cost estimation for the replacement of a culvert under US Highway 101 in the Columbia River estuary to restore fish passage and estuarine wetlands. The area to be...
Central Pre-Mix – Yakima, Washington
Proposed gravel mining activity in the Yakima River floodplain by the client will impact significant freshwater wetland resources. To assist the client in mitigation of proposed impacts, Mr. Gorman conducted hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of conditions for an...
Tryon Creek Trunk Sewer Upgrade and Fish Passage Design – Lake Oswego, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided hydraulic modeling and design support to the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services for improvement of fish passage, streambank stabilization, and in-channel habitat quality enhancements for the Tryon Creek Trunk Sewer Upgrade project in Lake...