(503) 704-6013 dgorman@hevanet.com

In late summer of 2018 Ecological Engineering completed the fish passage design for the reach of Tryon Creek below Boones Ferry Road and within the Tryon Creek Natural Area for the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services. Existing conditions included an in-channel pipe crossing obstacle, an undersized culvert that produced high flow velocities and a large vertical drop at the culvert outlet, and an excessive fish travel length within the culvert, all of which combined to prevent fish passage under most flow conditions.  Ecological Engineering prepared the final plans and specifications for a series of boulder step pools, channel roughening, and channel grade control that will provide fish passage under most flow conditions.  Ecological Engineering’s design will provide improved fish passage, spawning, and rearing opportunities for steelhead and cutthroat trout and Coho salmon. All fish passage work was completed as a subconsultant to Henderson Environmental Design-Build in support of the bridge design being conducted by Berger ABAM consultants. Construction of the new bridge and fish passage features is expected to occur in 2020.