Aquatic Habitat Restoration
Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership, Wapato Access Feasibility Study – Multnomah County, Oregon
The Wapato Access Feasibility study was designed and managed by Mr. Gorman to determine the general feasibility of ecologically restoring a 156-acre site along Multnomah Channel to provide rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids. The study included a vegetation survey...
City of Portland, Oregon, Stream and Wetland Restoration – Portland, Oregon
Mr. Gorman was responsible for overall project management, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, hydraulic design of stream channel and flood storage, design of water quality facilities, grading design for wetland enhancement, preparation of design memorandums, and...
Dan and Kathy Ridgeway, Stream and Wetland Restoration – Sprague River, Oregon
Mr. Gorman completed the wetland and riparian enhancement design for 2.5 miles of Sprague River channel and 130 acres of adjacent river floodplain in Klamath County, Oregon. He provided grading design to enhance habitat for migratory and nesting waterfowl; fish,...
Johnson-Brigman Confluence Stream Restoration – Multnomah County, Oregon
Metro acquired a residential property at the confluence of Johnson and Brigman Creeks with the intent to restore the ecological values of the site. Mr. Gorman served as the lead engineer and project manager, providing the site assessment, wetland delineation,...
Johnson Creek Habitat Assessment and Stream Stabilization – Multnomah County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided professional assistance to Metro in the selection, hydraulic assessment and engineering design of candidate stream stabilization sites throughout 2.3 stream miles of the Upper Johnson Creek Natural Area. Floods resulting from storm events have...
Rock Creek Confluence Stream Habitat Restoration – Clackamas County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided the Clackamas River Basin Council and Clackamas County’s Water Environment Services hydraulic engineering, permitting, and final design services to restore approximately 2,200 feet of Rock Creek from its confluence with the Clackamas River,...
Fisher’s Bend Side Channel Salmonid Habitat Assessment and Design – Clackamas County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman worked with multiple stakeholders including Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Clackamas River Basin Council, Clackamas County, Clackamas County Soil and Water Conservation District, US Fish and Wildlife Service and private property owners in assessing...
US Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District, Soldier Field Wetland Enhancement – Pyongtaek, Korea
Mr. Gorman was hired by the US Army Corps of Engineers to work closely with them at Camp Humphreys US Army base in South Korea to restore a badly degraded wetland to provide wildlife habit for threatened indigenous species and to serve as one of very few natural areas...
Columbia River Estuary Study Task Force, Estuarine Wetland and Anadramous Fish Habitat Restoration – Chinook, Washington
Mr. Gorman provided the engineering and project management for the preliminary design, permitting, and cost estimation for the replacement of a culvert under US Highway 101 in the Columbia River estuary to restore fish passage and estuarine wetlands. The area to be...
Northern Star Natural Gas – Svenson, Oregon
Estuarine Wetland and Anadramous Fish Habitat Mitigation Mr. Gorman designed 65 acres of estuarine wetland and anadromous fish rearing habitat in the Columbia River Estuary to mitigate for estuarine and non-tidal fresh water wetlands proposed to be impacted by...