Aquatic Habitat Restoration
Middle Nemah River Restoration Design
The Middle Nemah River is a major tributary to the Willapa Bay Estuary in southwest Washington. It is vital habitat for anadromous Pacific salmon and steelhead with opportunities for restoration actions with substantial benefit for overall river health. Ecological...
Stream Stabilization and Restoration
Oregon Metro acquired and manages the 1260 acre Chehalem Ridge Natural Area in Washington County, Oregon for its natural resource and recreational values. Metro is responsible for restoring and maintaining the natural resources and wildlife habitat and has relied on...
Dairy Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank
Ecological Engineering provided all engineering analysis and design to Green Banks, LLC for the Dairy Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank in Washington County, Oregon. The Dairy Creek Wetland Mitigation Bank will enhance and restore 134 acres of historic floodplain...
Chehalis River Flood Retention Mitigation
The Chehalis River Basin Flood Control District was evaluating the potential of constructing a flood retention facility and temporary reservoir near Pe Ell, Washington to reduce flooding impacts from the Willapa Hills in southwest Washington. The flood retention...
Johnson Creek Beaver Dam Analog Design
Mr. Gorman provided the design of a bridge removal, stream and side channel restoration, and beaver dam analogs, and conducted hydraulic modeling for a reach of Johnson Creek near Portland, Oregon for Oregon Metro. The beaver dam analogs were designed to reconnect the...
Side Channel Salmonid Habitat Restoration
Side channel salmonid habitat is critical to the rearing life cycle stage of native fish. Mr. Gorman worked with multiple stakeholders including Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Clackamas River Basin Council, Clackamas County, Clackamas County Soil and Water...
Johnson and Brigman Creeks Confluence – Construction Completed
Ecological Engineering recently completed construction oversight for Metro’s Johnson and Brigman Creeks Stream Stabilization project near Gresham, Oregon. The project was designed and provided construction oversight by David Gorman under Ecological Engineering’s...
September 9, 2017 – Metro On-Call for Water Resources Engineering
Oregon Metro selects Ecological Engineering for a three year on-call contract to provide Water Resource Engineering services. Ecological Engineering will be providing Metro with services to include surface water hydrology and hydraulic modeling, floodplain management,...
August 24, 2017 – Brigman Creek Dam and Bridge Removals and Large Wood Structure Placement
Ecological Engineering completes the construction oversight of the removal of three dams and one bridge on Brigman Creek in east Multnomah County, Oregon and the placement of large wood structures instream to restore fish passage and natural fluvial geomorphology....
July 27, 2017 – Lithia Park Master Plan Contract Awarded
Ecological Engineering and the MIG consulting team are notified they were awarded a contract by the City of Ashland for the preparation of the Lithia Park Master Plan. MIG, the prime consultant for the project, plan, design and sustain environments that support human...
Walla Walla, Washington, Stream Restoration – Umatilla County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman served as the engineering subconsultant to produce design plans and specifications for the removal of a flood control dike and restoration of the streambank and floodplain for 800 feet of stream as part of the restoration of Mill Creek in Umatilla County,...
Portland General Electric, Stream Restoration – Government Camp, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided all hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and engineering design services to create a natural looking, stable, functional, subalpine stream for the Portland General Electric Summit Site stream restoration for a decommissioned...
Oregon Trout, Stream and Wetland Restoration – Chiloquin, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided engineering oversight for the design of the Wood River Channel and Wetland Restoration project to restore the lower 0.75-mile reach of the Wood River and associated wetlands in Klamath County. Project objectives included restoration of fluvial...
Wallowa Resources, River Restoration – Lostine, Oregon
Mr. Gorman designed 2300 feet of new river channel for a previously straightened reach of the Wallowa River near Lostine, Oregon to restore the river to conditions similar to its historical alignment and function. The design included detailed hydraulic design of...
Columbia Land Trust, Estuarine Wetland and Anadramous Fish Habitat Restoration – Clatsop County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided engineering design for the restoration of tidal wetlands on the Wallooskee River that had been disconnected from the river through the placement of agricultural dikes. Design components included selection of dike breach locations to minimize the...
Columbia River Estuary Study Task Force, Estuarine Wetland and Anadramous Fish Habitat Restoration – Clatsop County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman worked closely with a private property owner and CREST to provide the engineering design of dike breaches and site grading for estuarine wetland habitat restoration along the Skipanon River. The dike breach and grading design he prepared restored tidal...
Columbia River Estuary Study Task Force, Estuarine Wetland and Anadramous Fish Habitat Restoration – Clatsop County, Oregon
Mr. Gorman provided project management, site analysis, engineering design, and wetland permitting services for the removal of a dike and the filling of drainage ditches to restore 15 acres of estuarine wetlands along the Lewis and Clark River in Clatsop County,...
International Paper, Fish Habitat Mitigation Design – Longview, Washington
Mr. Gorman conducted hydraulic analysis of the confluence of the Cowlitz and Columbia Rivers to guide the siting and design of downstream migrant juvenile salmonid habitat to mitigate a proposed wharf expansion and to prevent fish entrapment.
Chevron, Dredging Engineering Design Lead, Base Oil Project Marine Facilities Expansion – Pascagoula, Mississippi
Mr. Gorman prepared specifications to dredge sandy surface material as part of the marine terminal expansion and to allow for its transport and disposal at the nearby Greenwood Island beneficial use site. Specifications included detailed dredging and handling...
BNSF Railroad, Wetland Creation – Skykomish, Washington
Mr. Gorman conducted all hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and grading design to restore wetlands and create off channel fish habitat within the excavation prism of a large scale remediation of petroleum contaminated soil. He modeled peak flows from various return...